ponedeljek, 21. april 2008


I decided to review few comments about food shortage and rising prices of it.
Bridgetkindle thinks that we are exaggerating. She is saying that “there is surely food shortage, but this doesn’t mean it’s the whole world experiencing this”. By one hand it is true because the video article was mostly focused just on some countries like: China, India, and Indonesia. Other countries such as: Cameroon, Senegal, Bangladesh, Haiti, Mexico and Indonesia were just mentioned and are not representing the whole world. She also thinks that every country should be producing food, “without reliance on other nations”. By my opinion she isn’t realistic about that. Some countries just can’t produce enough food for they don’t have enough water or other natural elements.
In some other article Vania Mendes thinks that the shortage of food will affect everybody, especially the ones who are living in privileged west. I agree that it will affect everybody but I don’t think that the “privileged west” will suffer most. We are not struggling with our salary like the ones in poor countries and we are having enough natural goods to overcome this problem. I agree with her that too much food is going to waste and that we have to change our mentality to overcome this problem.
By my opinion we are not aware about our consequences. We are too occupied with daily rush that we don’t see the problems that are encircling us.

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